[Spring Boot] Kotlin으로 REST API 만들기(5) - Mapper 구현 및 단위 테스트(Junit5)Spring Boot/Kotlin으로 REST API 만들기 2022. 10. 30. 10:45반응형
Kotlin으로 REST API 만들기(5) - Mapper 구현 및 단위 테스트
To-Do 조회, 등록, 수정, 삭제를 위한 TodoMapper.xml, TodoMapper.java를 구현한 후 JUnit5을 사용하여 단위 테스트를 작성하세요.
1. TodoMapper.ktpackage com.example.springbootrestapi.mapper import com.example.springbootrestapi.domain.TodoRequest import com.example.springbootrestapi.domain.TodoResponse import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository @Repository interface TodoMapper { /** To-Do 목록 조회 */ fun getTodos(todoRequest: TodoRequest): MutableList<TodoResponse> /** To-Do 상세 조회 */ fun getTodoById(id: Long): TodoResponse /** To-Do 저장 */ fun insertTodo(todoRequest: TodoRequest): Int /** To-Do 수정 */ fun updateTodo(todoRequest: TodoRequest): Int /** To-Do 삭제 */ fun deleteTodoById(id: Long): Int }
2. todo.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="com.example.springbootrestapi.mapper.TodoMapper"> <select id="getTodos" parameterType="com.example.springbootrestapi.domain.TodoRequest" resultType="com.example.springbootrestapi.domain.TodoResponse"> SELECT ID , TITLE , DESCRIPTION , COMPLETED FROM TODO <where> <if test="title != null and title != ''"> AND TITLE LIKE CONCAT('%', #{title}, '%') </if> <if test="description != null and description != ''"> AND DESCRIPTION LIKE CONCAT('%', #{description}, '%') </if> <if test="completed != null"> AND COMPLETED = #{completed} </if> </where> </select> <select id="getTodoById" parameterType="long" resultType="com.example.springbootrestapi.domain.TodoResponse"> SELECT * FROM TODO WHERE ID = #{id} </select> <insert id="insertTodo" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id" parameterType="com.example.springbootrestapi.domain.TodoRequest"> INSERT INTO TODO ( TITLE , DESCRIPTION , COMPLETED ) VALUES ( #{title} , #{description} , #{completed} ) </insert> <update id="updateTodo" parameterType="com.example.springbootrestapi.domain.TodoRequest"> UPDATE TODO SET TITLE = #{title} , DESCRIPTION = #{description} , COMPLETED = #{completed} WHERE ID = #{id} </update> <delete id="deleteTodoById" parameterType="long"> DELETE FROM TODO WHERE ID = #{id} </delete> </mapper>
3. TestTodoMapper.kt
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테스트 시 데이터베이스에 저장된 결과를 커밋하지 않고 롤백합니다.
테스트 클래스 및 메서드의 이름을 지정할 수 있습니다.package com.example.springbootrestapi.mapper import com.example.springbootrestapi.domain.TodoRequest import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest import org.springframework.test.context.ActiveProfiles import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional @SpringBootTest @ActiveProfiles("local") class TodoMapperTest { @Autowired lateinit var todoMapper: TodoMapper @Transactional @DisplayName("getTodos_To-Do 목록 조회") @Test fun testGetTodos() { // Given insertTodo("Title Junit Test Insert 01", "Description Junit Test Insert 01", false) insertTodo("Title Junit Test Insert 02", "Description Junit Test Insert 02", true) insertTodo("Title Junit Test Insert 03", "Description Junit Test Insert 03", false) insertTodo("Title Junit Test Insert 04", "Description Junit Test Insert 04", true) insertTodo("Title Junit Test Insert 05", "Description Junit Test Insert 05", false) var todoRequest = TodoRequest().apply { this.title = "Title Junit Test Insert" this.description = "Description Junit Test Insert" this.completed = true } // When var todos = todoMapper.getTodos(todoRequest) // Then assertTrue(!todos.isEmpty()) } @Transactional @DisplayName("getTodoById_To-Do 상세 조회") @Test fun testGetTodoById() { // Given var insertId = insertTodo("Title Junit Test Insert 01", "Description Junit Test Insert 01", false) // When var todoResponse = todoMapper.getTodoById(insertId) // Then assertEquals(insertId, todoResponse.id) } @Transactional @DisplayName("insertTodo_To-Do 저장") @Test fun testInsertTodo() { // Given var todoRequest = TodoRequest().apply { this.title = "Title Junit Test Insert" this.description = "Description Junit Test Insert" this.completed = false } // When todoMapper.insertTodo(todoRequest) // Then todoRequest.id?.let { var todoResponse = todoMapper.getTodoById(it) Assertions.assertEquals(todoRequest.title, todoResponse.title) Assertions.assertEquals(todoRequest.description, todoResponse.description) Assertions.assertEquals(todoRequest.completed, todoResponse.completed) } ?: throw Exception() } @Transactional @DisplayName("updateTodo_To-Do 수정") @Test fun testUpdateTodo() { // Given val insertId = insertTodo("Title Junit Test Insert", "Description Junit Test Insert", false) val todoRequest = TodoRequest().apply { this.id = insertId this.title = "Title Junit Test Update" this.description = "Description Junit Test Update" this.completed = true } // When todoMapper.updateTodo(todoRequest) // Then todoRequest.id?.let { var todoResponse = todoMapper.getTodoById(it) Assertions.assertEquals(todoRequest.title, todoResponse.title) Assertions.assertEquals(todoRequest.description, todoResponse.description) Assertions.assertEquals(todoRequest.completed, todoResponse.completed) } ?: throw Exception() } @Transactional @DisplayName("deleteTodoById_To-Do 삭제") @Test fun testDeleteTodoById() { // Given val insertId = insertTodo("Title Junit Test Insert", "Description Junit Test Insert", false) // When todoMapper.deleteTodoById(insertId) // Then val todoResponse = todoMapper.getTodoById(insertId) Assertions.assertNull(todoResponse) } fun insertTodo( title: String, description: String, completed: Boolean ): Long { var todoRequest = TodoRequest().apply { this.title = title this.description = description this.completed = completed } todoMapper.insertTodo(todoRequest) return todoRequest.id ?: 0 } }
4. 단위 테스트 확인
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소스 코드는 Github Repository - https://github.com/tychejin1218/kotlin-springboot-rest-api.git (branch : section05) 를 참조하세요.
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